
'Tiki Tude'

Working on a documentary two summers ago, we filmed at the Star Fish Company in wonderful, friendly Cortez, Florida, then had dinner at this little local hideaway that describes itself as "the honky tonk fish shack with tiki tude" - eating fresh seafood at lopsided picnic tables on the docks, our waitress alternately delivering cans of beer and cans of bug spray. The wharf was decorated with whimsical folk art like this, from RhondaK.
I loved my time in Cortez - and with eco-tour guide Capt Kathe. The people were warm, funny, and 'dead honest' - I felt like I'd known them for years, not just the few days we were in Florida studying the havoc of red tide, and what's being done about it (two of my official dispatches from that assignment are here and here ).

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